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Self-Defense Empowerment: Why Everyone Should Learn Martial Arts

The idea of the words “self-defense” is so basic, it can be applied in areas not concerned with fighting techniques or combat. It can also be applied in social situations in schools, clubs, and events. If you are being verbally abused or even if it is subtle, there are ways you can defend yourself using your voice. If you are not finding the right kind of employment, you can engage your mind and skills to get the right kind of employment. This is defending yourself. Learning martial arts teaches you the principles of defense and offense. It teaches how to defend, when to defend and when you must attack or “offend.” However, in order to defend yourself, you have to believe in yourself. This is where martial arts training has a position front and center in your life.

By training in a martial art that has an easy-to-follow program, you are empowering yourself to defend and excel in other areas of life too. A good self-defense and martial art program will teach these principals.

It does no good, however, to talk about it or think about it. Your purpose will disappear after you are done talking or thinking about it. The mind works far better when you physically act on it. The human body is designed to think and act at the same time. It is a sort of "moving mediation."

It is never easy to start something that you have never done before. The body and mind learn by trial and error. You must make errors to learn. You learn from your mistakes.

In life, you cannot expect somebody else to always be right by your side to defend you against verbal or physical assaults a hundred percent of the time. There will come a time when you must do that by yourself. This might be the best reason you should learn martial arts.

Martial arts are comprehensive ways to learn as opposed to something like a sport such as boxing or mixed martial arts sport fighting. By their very nature, these two activities have limitations. The rules eliminate attacks to the weakest areas that can stop an attack in its tracks. In life, there will be no smooth floor, barriers to keep you from running or any rest breaks. In addition, trying to learn several martial arts at the same time can be a confusing and lengthy process. Each martial art has its concepts which probably differ a lot from another art. In a real self-defense situation (not a ring fight), the conflicting principles in the different arts could work against you.

Once you learn the principles, the empowerment you have gained, transfer to other life activities. It can be an extraordinary step forward for you. It can imbue skills, confidence, better self-image, and better body image resulting from the fitness you get, and it could save your life!

#selfdefense #martialarts #martialartstraining #selfempowerment #believeinyourself #learningmartialarts #kungfuclasses #empoweryourself

Si-fu Keith Sonnenberg

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