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President's Day Special!

Train in Sections

Instead of learning and memorizing a long sequence for the sake of memorization, especially as a beginner, take a section of your program and train it hard for a few weeks. When it is sinking into your muscle memory, go on to the next block or section of your program.

Instead of running through the block or section as fast as you can, slow down and focus on the precision. Work on the applications after that, of those few movements and the alternative ways you can defend.

These training methods will help you absorb what is important. The drawback of speeding through for the sake of speed will cause you to miss important positioning and detail. When you are solo training, you could get into the habit of moving without a training partner or an attacker, ignoring the attacks coming your way because your training is causing you to move unconsciously without a partner.

Happy training!

Si-fu Keith Sonnenberg

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